Ep 32: Expand Your Window of Tolerance with Somatic Exploration with Sarah Tacy

Aug 22, 2023

In this episode of Amina Change Your Life, we speak with one of my new friends and colleagues, Sarah Tacy Tangredi. Sarah is a mind body expert who offers nervous system support and somatic exploration. If you loved my nervous system episode with Amy Bonaduce-Gardner, you’re going to love this one, too. One of my favorite aspects of this interview is the very bite-sized and actionable approach Sarah offers. From taking a literal pause, to using wonder as a tool, there are many ways to reset our nervous systems that don’t require elaborate self-care practices. Sarah shares the best and quickest ways for us to repattern our behavior that you don’t want to miss. Whether you are an executive, entrepreneur, or high-performance athlete, there are some magical tips in here for you.

We talked about:

00:02:00 - Sarah's Journey into Mind Bodywork

00:09:10 - Immediate Feedback for Neuroplasticity

00:11:40 - Integrating Somatic Approaches in Coaching

00:13:14 - The Role Playing and Somatic Work

00:13:58 - The Power of Do-Overs

00:18:04 - Building Resources for Stability

00:22:20 - Understanding the Window of Tolerance

00:27:11 - The Power of Pacing

00:29:59 - Authenticity and Resonance

00:31:16 - Balancing Self-Care and Productivity

00:33:30 - The Body as a GPS

00:36:29 - Where to Find More



Connect with Sarah Tacy Tangredi

Website: SarahTacy.com

Instagram: @SarahTacyT

Podcast: Threshold Moments Podcast


Connect with Amina AlTai

Website: aminaaltai.com

Instagram: @aminaaltai

TikTok: @theaminaaltai

Linkedin:   linkedin/in/aminaaltai