Serving up bite-sized lessons and inspiration on career, entrepreneurship, ethical wealth building, and well-being with some of the most inspiring teachers and visionaries from around the world.

Ep 35: Making Cool Shit with Our Friends Since 2018 with Shannon Jones and Yadira Harrison Sep 12, 2023

My guests today are Shannon Jones and Yadira Harrison, co-founders of the 8-figure experiential marketing agency Verb. They come with years of expertise in creative and experiential marketing for high-profile brands like IMG, Cirque du Soleil, Netflix and Airbnb. They are the definition of...

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Ep 34: Rehumanizing Leadership with Brea Baker and Laura Gale (Part 2) Sep 05, 2023

Many of the modern management and leadership techniques we all use on a daily basis actually trace their roots back to slavery. In a world where profit often takes precedence over people, Brea Baker and Laura Gale shine a light on how to disrupt the status quo. 


The key moments in...

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Ep 33: Rehumanizing Leadership with Brea Baker and Laura Gale (Part 1 ) Aug 29, 2023

Many of the modern management and leadership techniques we all use on a daily basis actually trace their roots back to slavery. In a world where profit often takes precedence over people, Brea Baker and Laura Gale shine a light on how to disrupt the status quo. 


In this episode, you...

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Ep 32: Expand Your Window of Tolerance with Somatic Exploration with Sarah Tacy Aug 22, 2023

In this episode of Amina Change Your Life, we speak with one of my new friends and colleagues, Sarah Tacy Tangredi. Sarah is a mind body expert who offers nervous system support and somatic exploration. If you loved my nervous system episode with Amy Bonaduce-Gardner, you’re going to love...

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Ep 31: Embracing Your Main Character Energy Aug 15, 2023

Suffice it to say, most of us underrepresented people have been told to tone it down or play small in order to avoid rocking the boat or making others uncomfortable. But deep down, you feel a burning desire to break free and embrace your own main character energy. It's time to step into the...

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Ep 30: Managing Challenging Personalities Aug 08, 2023

Have you heard these myths about navigating difficult personalities at work? Myth 1: Just ignore them and they'll go away. Myth 2: It's their problem, not mine. Myth 3: Confrontation will only make things worse. In this episode, we'll debunk these myths and reveal the truth about effectively...

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Ep 29: The Power of Community Aug 01, 2023

Community is everything. In this episode, I talk about how community has lifted me up over the years and made sense of my experience. Plus, I give you tips on how to find or build your “cheering squad” so you have your very own community you can turn to at any time. 



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Ep 28: Communication Strategies for Empaths and Sensitive Souls with Michelle Maros Jul 25, 2023

This week on the pod I have one half of the Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life duo, Michelle Maros. Michelle and I go way back to 2016! We are both part of an impact-driven social justice community called Move the Crowd where we became fast friends. This fellow scorpio co-hosts the Barb Knows Best...

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Ep 27: The Courage to Unleash Your Creative Potential with Liz Moody Jul 18, 2023

This week's episode is with my (and the internet's) favorite lifestyle journalist—Liz Moody. Host of top health and wellness podcast, Healthier Together, Liz is a seasoned writer, podcaster and entrepreneur who shares actionable, research-backed advice about gut health, hormone health,...

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Ep 26: How To Be Happier At Work. A Re-Air of My Interview with Liz Moody Jul 11, 2023

This is a re-air of an interview I got to do with Liz Moody for her podcast, Healthier Together. Liz is an incredible journalist and did some Oprah-like interviewing. I loved the questions she asked and how this episode turned out so I wanted to share it here with you all.

Here’s what we...

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Ep 25: Unlock Your Purpose: A Journey Towards Self-Fulfillment [She Supreme Re-Air] Jul 04, 2023

My sister, Genna, used to have a podcast called She Supreme and I was one of her guests a few years ago. I love this episode because when do you get to be interviewed by a family member? So, I thought, let’s do a re-air!

Does this sound familiar? You're constantly hustling and grinding to...

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Ep 24: The Courage to Tell Your Story with Caitlin Copple and Holly Conti Jun 27, 2023

Unleash the power of your story with PR experts Caitlin Copple and Holly Conti, as they guide you through owning your narrative to achieve your visibility goals.


In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover techniques for building an impactful public platform.
  • Uncover the power of...
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